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Supported Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundation College by upgrading the research equipment & subsidizing students - March 2015Back

17 / 05 / 2015


DiagCor hopes to cultivate students' curiosity about science, we believe that life science is of most importance in the 21st century. DiagCor encourages schools to introduce comprehensive science in the junior high school curriculum, allowing students begin to learn various scientific knowledge in junior high school, including the basic culture of bacteria, and do biotechnology experiments in a biotechnology laboratory. Therefore, DiagCor Bioscience Inc., Ltd supported Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundation College by upgrading the research equipment in the school and subsidizing students to participate in international scientific conferences. The school biotechnology laboratory was named "DiagCor Biotechnology Laboratory".


Self Photos / Files - diagcor PLK lab


Self Photos / Files - Diagcor plk lab 2

For more information: https://edu.takungpao.com.hk/q/2015/0317/2947234.html

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